Ashtanga in the New Year

Whether you dabble in  ashtanga or make it a daily practice, the primary series is a lifelong journey.  It unfolds day by day and piece by piece.  As a set series, the system allows for self-practice and a deep understanding of moving within.

"Practice and all is coming"

-Sri K. pattabhi Jois

Camyoga is a excited to welcome Alan O'leary for a weekend of ashtanga workshops in January. Alan teaches Italian Culture at Leeds University and yoga as a balance to his life.  He brings with him experience in the ashtanga intermediate series and from his time spent in the Shala in Mysore.

His first workshop will be on building strength and stamina in the Primary series and is open to ashtanga practitioners of all levels. The next day's workshop will be on making the second series more accessible.  Non-dogmatic in his approach, Alan will  dispel fear and help you find the ways to approach the primary and second series challenges with confidence and fun.

Alan will also be hosting our Camyoga social evening following his first workshop on Saturday January 21.  We will screen the film, "Guru" featuring the late Pattabhi Jois, and have a talk around the tradition of ashtanga yoga in Mysore.

Don't miss these great workshops and discussion.  Further your ashtanga practice and gain new insight into this tradition.

Book here

New to ashtanga?  Get your feet wet in one of our ashtanga led classes.  Then come along to mysore in the mornings. You will be taught how to build your self-practice. Check out the Camyoga schedule for all of our ashtanga classes with Camyoga's own, Howard Daly and Emma Lindsay.




First Donation Day of 2012 at Camyoga


Compliment Your Health: Therapies and one to ones