Make Time for You! John's CAMYOGA experience


Make Time for YOU

Here's John, one of our Yoga students just after practicing Vicky’s Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior class.

He joined CAMYOGA in August 2022 and has been experimenting with the different classes, styles, and approaches we have on offer at the studio.

John is currently using our Monthly Unlimited Membership to attend classes and it has been a pleasure to see his growth at CAMYOGA - in his words:

"I’m really impressed with how the CAMYOGA crew consistently delivers a wide variety of professional, nurturing, and fun lessons. It’s a great spot to enjoy yoga and the overall experience has been excellent. It has really helped my practice get back on track.. big thanks to everyone there"

Do Make time for YOU and join our vibrant community!

Thank YOU, John

Have you attended CAMYOGA classes before and are thinking of rejoining?

Sign up for our Welcome Back New Client Offer: £45 for 30 days of unlimited yoga!

(if you have any issues with this purchase, drop us an email -


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